Sunday, November 16, 2008



Quick Facts About Orgonite:

Simple. Easy to make. Works continuously.
Turns negative energy into positive energy.
Repels harmful rays from computer and cell phone devices.
Purifies the atmosphere, detoxifies water, ends drought.
Helps plants grow better, repel pests & require less water.
Mitigates harmful effects of EMF radiation.
Disarms and repels predatory forms of life.
Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods.
Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
Helps awaken your innate psychic senses.

IT IS A neodymium magnet.
Neodynium magnets internally and externally accelerate and deflect electron beams. It is also made up of a Mobius coil, an amethyst crystal and a garnet are used to stimulate the life energy field of the wearer and thereby speed up healing processes and enhance wellbeing and general health.

This is what these components are doing:

PC Board: generates 15Hz pulsed direct current. The basis of zapping.
Skin Electrodes: transmit weak electrical pulses to skin
Moebius Coil: creates scalar electromagnetic field (has to be contained by boundary wire)
Orgonite Block: gets excited by electromagnetic components and creates beneficial orgone (Chi/Prana) field
Neodymium Magnets: have noted healing power by themselves
Amethyst: mental clarity and peace, anti-inflamatory and pain relief
Garnet: vitalising, support resistance and resilience

WHAT IT IS: Orgone energy is a creative force in nature, which is two opposing perfect spiral shapes intertwined (like that of DNA). Many people notice positive emotional effects in the presence of orgone generators. Mood and emotions tend to elevate. Some people who have trouble falling asleep report that they can sleep better and more soundly with an orgone generator in the bedroom. Many people have noticed that plants grow more vigorously in the vicinity of an orgone generator.Orgonite can be made at home by combining metal and crystals in suspension.


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